Monday, December 21, 2009
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Family Tree Hunt


Donny in the dinosaur sleigh!!

Heather and Beniah

The whole family watching 'Grandpa' cut down THE tree.

Beniah met a new little friend. Donny was a bit more timid about it and stayed in Auntie Jo's arms!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Timmy's countdown continues....

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Christmas lists - 2009
For those of you who aren't our kids or their families, you can skip this post and check out our pictures and other things of interest after this. Thanks for checking in with us!
Now for the Whittaker family:
Christmas is coming…
You know what that means?
It’s time to make lists
Of our hopes and our dreams.
Visions of sugar plums
And all of that stuff
The things we could buy
If we just had enough
Let’s try to be modest
Not unthinking slobs,
Remembering that most of us
Right now don’t have jobs
It’s being together
That gives the most joy
But I want to give something
To each girl and each boy
Giving is special
E’en if it’s a ball
But if you’re a girl
You might get a doll.
So put on your thinking caps
And list what you want
Send it to me
And I’ll post it on the blog....
Mug tree to sit on kitchen counter (like a ‘clothes tree’, but holds several mugs)
Blanket with ‘arms’ to wrap up in while reading or watching TV, etc
Teacup tower (holds two or three or more teacups and saucers)
A calendar with pictures of my grandkids and kids :^)
You can surprise me with something that you make or see somewhere that you think I would like.
Really doesn't need anything.
Loves fuzzy, colorful socks
Loves musical theater and Shakespeare on DVD
Loves new clothes in size XL or 16
Loves handmade treasures with sentimental value
Movies on Blu-Ray (We own "Snow White" & "UP" so far)
Books by David McCullough
"The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the
"Brave Companions: Portraits in History"
"Mornings on Horseback"
The Simpsons seasons on DVD (Already own 1-5, 7, 8)
Wii Points (gift card)
iTunes gift card
WalMart gift cards
Fred Meyer gift cards
Wii Games
Guitar Hero 5
Guitar Hero: Greatest Hits
Super Mario Bros. Galaxy
other Wii games
Nerds candy (Grape/Strawberry)
Sour Patch Kids candy
Red Bull (the drink. not Babe's arch nemesis)
Doesn't need much. We have toys galore...
Clothes sized 6-9 months and up (she's in 3-6 month right now)
Diapers sized 2 and up
Girl specific toys
Also doesn't need anything.
Clothes sized 3T fit right now, as well as some 4Ts
Loves the alphabet
Loves Elmo and the Ses' Street gang
Loves numbers
Things most often spoken of with longing by Jack:
Thomas and the Great Discovery DVD http://www.amazon.com/Thomas-Friends-Discovery-Pierce-Brosnan/dp/B001BEK856/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=dvd&qid=1257804366&sr=8-1
Take Along Thomas- Annie and Clarabelle http://www.amazon.com/Take-Along-Thomas-Friends-Clarabel/dp/B0006TNBVK/ref=pd_sim_t_4
Disney Cars- Frank http://www.amazon.com/Disney-Pixar-CARS-Movie-Oversized/dp/B0028OJ2F0/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1257804576&sr=1-1
Play Doh set such as this http://www.amazon.com/Play-Doh-Toolin-Around-Playset/dp/B000NLAUFQ/ref=pd_sim_t_21
He isn’t old enough to be paying attention to gift quantities, so if any two or more parties want to go in on one of the above for him, it would not be a bad thing. Some of them are inexpensive- others may be more than 1 person wants to pay.
Please avoid clothing purchases for this kid, unless you are very certain that it will fit him, or you have a son that would benefit from him growing out of it rapidly. J I am having a very challenging time keeping him in clothes, and would prefer that your hard-earned cash be spent in a more productive manner.
Other Take Along Thomas vehicles he does NOT have: Culdee, Bill & Ben, Jack, Murdoch, Fergus, Daisy, Hero, Breakdown Train and Flatbed, Rosie, Iron ‘Arry and Iron Bert, Gordon, Spencer, Edward, Henry, Stepney, Oliver, Bertie the Bus, Sir Topham Hat in car, Max and Monty
If you have other ideas aside from this list, feel free to follow your heart.
Things that I think Katie would enjoy having for her very own:
Melissa & Doug Wooden
Melissa & Doug Playtime Fruits http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-4082-Playtime-Fruits/dp/B001613Q8A/ref=sr_1_221?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1257806853&sr=1-221
Mr. Potato Head (or Mrs. Potato Head) http://www.amazon.com/Melissa-Doug-Wooden-Sandwich-Making-Set/dp/B00006JZCS/ref=sr_1_25?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1257805855&sr=1-25
Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Sing with Me CD Player http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Laugh-Learn-Sing-Player/dp/B001IEZ1BK/ref=sr_1_147?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1257806231&sr=1-147
Rub a Dub Sticker for the Tub http://www.amazon.com/Rub-Dub-Stickers-Tub-Beep/dp/B00021HBGS/ref=sr_1_203?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1257806474&sr=1-203
A Katie-sized apron with big pockets
Little Helper Broom set (or something similar) http://www.amazon.com/Schylling-BROOM-Little-Helper-Broom/dp/B000BN8Y8G/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=toys-and-games&qid=1257807131&sr=1-1
Katie likes to read books, but has WAY too many already (is that possible?). She really doesn’t care to play with stuffed animals or dolls that much- they are really only good for hurling across the room, in her humble opinion. She does, however, love to imitate anything that her Mama does, and is actually quite helpful when it comes to laundry sorting and dishwasher unloading.
She still has clothing that was given to her last Christmas that she is just starting to wear, so again, although I greatly appreciate gifts of clothing, unless you check with me first on brand/size, please don’t get any for her. Little Miss Skinny can’t wear some brands at all without altering (a chore I would rather not take on).
Matt and Beth would be content with NO gifts. But, since you probably don’t like that idea, here are a few suggestions. The following would be great for a “couple” gift:
Gift Certificate for movie/music retailers. Also Half.com or Amazon.
Beth would like anything (or anything similar to) listed in her etsy favorites: http://www.etsy.com/favorite_listings_public.php?user_id=5740493&ref=em
JC Penney gift certificates toward the purchase of the most perfect Christmas dishes I have ever seen.
Please avoid cosmetics, soaps, lotions, and perfumes, unless it is Burt’s Bees chapstick (pomegranate or mint), of which I cannot seem to have enough. Every other variety of girly stuff seems to just sit in my cabinet taking up space.
Matt can always use good sturdy work gloves, and also likes the brown all cotton variety. I know this seems boring, but really… he likes getting them.
John Deere logo gear is always good, although he prefers t-shirts without huge logos on the front.
Any kind of nail/screw sorting storage system might be nice for his woodshop. He already has some with pull-out drawers, but he has a pretty serious collection of odds and ends, so more couldn’t hurt.
Books by Patrick McManus that he DOESN’T have:
Never Cry “Arp!” and Other Great Adventures
Kerplunk! Stories
Into the Twilight, Endlessly Grousing
Real Ponies Don’t Go Oink!
Peppered Beef Jerky also makes him very happy.
OK, so Christmas lists:
Chronological Study Bible -
Amazon wish list -
Amazon wish list -
Puzzles - NOT toddler puzzles, nice 100+ piece kids puzzles
Board Games
Will add more if we think of them.
Love you!
Movies (DVD style):
The Time Traveler's Wife
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
Seasons 5-7 of Friends
Books (I prefer soft covers, if available):
the new Robert Jordan book ("The Gathering Storm")
"Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day" by Winifred Watson
"A Short History of Nearly Everything" by Bill Bryson
"Teaching a Stone to Talk" by Annie Dillard
Music (CD or iTunes gift):
"Glee - The Music, Volume 2" (I already have volume 1)
"The Avalanche" Sufjan Stevens
Gift Cards:
Forever 21
Regal Cinemas or Cinetopia
Really fancy-pants camera lens (because we are all so rich right now:)
Wide-angle (aka Fish Eye) camera lens (I know, fancy-pants)
Something you think I'd really, really love
Tim and Heather: The Office season 5 (this can definitely be our only gift from everybody)
Muse -- any album
Brand New—Daisy
Gift cards to music stores
Brandon Sanderson--Hero of Ages
Chalmers A. Johnson -- Blowback
Ron Paul -- End the Fed
F.A. Hayek -- The Road to Serfdom
James T. Patterson -- Mr. Republican
Frederic Bastiat -- The Law
Dress shirts for office work (Medium)
Potting Soil (no pots please, I have a bunch in the bomb shelter)
Heather plant
Indoor Fern (or at least a hardy one that could be difficult to kill)
12x12 scrapbooking pages with top loading covers.
A drawer system to hold 12x12 scrapbooking pages and other paraphernalia.
Gift card to any photo developing store (for my scrap book)
Good Books
Gift card to Old Navy
Earrings and Necklaces that don’t scream “I’m in highschool!”
Pictures of my family to go up on our wall – black wood frames please.
Anything Musical
Please no clothing. We have an overabundance of clothes.
Sippy cups. We never seem to have enough.
He is very easy to please, so you can give him whatever you feel like even if it’s just a box.
Jim (Daddy/Grandpa):
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Countdown to Tim's Graduation


Saturday, October 17, 2009
New Bedroom

This is the view from our kitchen out to the bedroom. The door on the left is to the laundry room and on out to the garage. On the right are shelves that will soon have doors on them like the one in the kitchen.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Cousins and Us

Aaron with Grandma