Monday, September 20, 2004



The deal closes on Grandma's house tomorrow at 5 PM. We still have a few things to get out of the garage and patio, but most of it's done. I'll sure be glad when we don't have that responsibility anymore. I've spent a lot of time there the past two weeks since we moved here, so I haven't been able to get as settled as I would like by now. It IS sad, though saying good-bye to my Daddy's house.... I miss him a lot. He was a special man, and a good dad. (Right now I'm wearing his plaid pajama pants, and they're really warm and comfortable!) Today I was at the house with Grandma doing some more sorting and moving of things. Everything is out of the house -- it feels very empty and lonely! Before we left, I went out to the garden and picked a huge bouquet of Daddy's dahlias. He was famous for his beautiful dahlias. I remember him growing them when I was a girl in Mossyrock. He really liked them and knew how to take care of them so they were always pretty. I'll miss that, too. Anyway, for the next week or so, I'll have his flowers around my house. I did transplant one of his dahlias here when we moved in. Hopefully it will do well here and I'll have a little of him here, too.

I love you all and pray for you every day. Take care of yourselves!

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