Since none of you are posting anything here, I wonder if you ever look at this site. Please at least put in a comment so I'll know if I'm wasting my time writing to you here. I look here often to see if any of you have left a message, but alas! It's always my last message!
Its strange and quiet here without Daddy around. I guess its always fairly quiet – probably strange too, right? But I’m keeping busy with one thing or another. Last night I went to a home school program of several kids from our church. It was really cute. They did a Veggie Tales play – “Where’s God when I’m scared?” and Daniel in the Lions’ Den. Fun!
Wednesday evening I went down to Roseburg with a couple of people and picked up Barby’s mom and went to a meeting about the Oasis products that I’ve been using and promoting.
Tomorrow I’m going with the singles’ group from our church to the Rose parade in Portland. We leave at 6:30 in the morning and will probably be back home by 4 or so. I was just invited yesterday, and it sounded like fun.
I don’t know what I’m doing on Sunday other than going to church. Monday and Tuesday I work, and Tuesday night I’m going to Kim and Andy’s and will stay there overnight. Wednesday evening I’ll go to Kathy’s in Centralia and on Thursday I’ll go with her and her senior citizens on a trip they have planned (can’t remember where they’re going). I’ll spend Friday with Kathy, and then come back home on Saturday the 18th. Your Daddy is coming home that day too for a few days. That evening there is a family barbecue at Dave and Lisa’s for Tate’s graduation (he actually graduates tonight).
Timmy moves in with me the week of the 20th (Daddy and I may be going down and helping move things on the 20th before he goes back to tractor driving). Then maybe Timmy and I will visit Joann that next week-end.
I love you all and hope to hear from you soon.
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