Monday, November 27, 2006

Mama's Christmas List; updated 12/2

New items added 12/2:

Books about Rosemal painting

warm terry cloth bathrobe
Warm PJs (Flannel ? -- like what the girls have gotten at Old Navy, etc)

Nice sock with small floral designs or things like I've seen on Beth

“Little House on the Prairie” on DVD – Seasons 5 and thereafter
pretty jewelry – no hearts (I have a lot of hearts already)
henckel knife (or equivalent – ask Beth)
– I have a good paring knife and one with a 6 ½ inch blade
Scrapbook tote –

- > ‘Crop n style P3 paper tote
-> Fmpguru/ MemoryStor rolling scrapbook cart and organizer

Books: “For Women Only”

DVDs: “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers”
Padded hangers

Light table (I haven't looked for any of these, but know I'd like something for tracing -- instead of having to hold the things up to the window to trace. I can only do that when it's daylight out!!)

I'll add things as I think of them, so check back if these don't help. Some of these items are more expensive, so if several of you want to go together to get me something, that's okay with me. You aren't required to get me anything, though. I'll still love you no matter what!!

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