Monday, August 30, 2004

Done Deal in Roseburg?

Mama and I went to Roseburg and signed a counter-offer on the house. Since it is much the same as the original offer, we expect it will be accepted today. If all goes well, it will close Sept. 30 (Joann's Birthday!). We ended up with two offers that were about the same. We chose one because it came in first and our agent knows the people and is more confident it will go through. If not, we can fall back on the second offer, unless they move on to something else quickly.

I start school today - work week. Also will be moving 'stuff' into the new house, then Friday/Saturday moving grandma and ourselves (with help) into the new places. Again, keep grandma covered in prayer - it will be a hard emotional move for her.

God bless!!!!!

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