Wednesday, July 28, 2004

The OTHER house on Kalmia

The contingencies between getting the Junction City house or not seem to be going away, making the purchase increasingly a 'done deal' . . . a friend from church who is a contractor went through the house with us today and seemed very impressed with the construction - commenting 'they don't make them like this today'.  Our loan person verified that the loan process seemed to be going through OK and didn't think there would be a problem, though our income to expense ratio was marginal until the Roseburg house sells.  I'm increasingly wanting that 'domino' to also fall to simplify the entire situation.  We did commit to buy two items from the sellers today (the sellers were at the house while our friend and I looked the place over) - the awesome, unique clock mama may have mentioned to you, and the dining room table and chairs (an upgrade in quality from the one we've had - if you or someone you know is interested in our former table + perhaps the chairs - not sure if we'll keep some chairs - let us know).  We have a tentative closing date of Sept. 7th, but it will probably be a week or two sooner.  We would love to have help doing some moving - I'm guessing possibly the week of August 24 - 28th or so.  We'll be sure to let you know when we know more. 
On another front . . . we may have a realtor come give an idea of value on grandma's house this evening, plus a cousin of Mama's may come to see if this is the house they want to buy - they have expressed interest in the past and want a better look.   It's hard for grandma to go through these steps - separating from the house and yard, going through 'stuff' (grandpa's clothes, etc.) to prepare for a change . . . she needs lots of support.  Next Tuesday could be a tough day also - grandpa's birthday.  Kathy says it was a hard day for her when Don's birthday came . . . Perhaps a phone call to gramma now and then just to say HI would be very good this next few weeks.  She will be moving to Kris's as we move to Junction City.
S0 . . . pray for grandma, for the Roseburg house to sell, for Timmy finding the right new lodging for after the house sells, for the purchase in Junction City to go well . . . thanks.

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