I love zou all!
This trick of Joannz's with the ys and zs is pretty neat.
I think I'll stick with it for a while.
Joann in the Alps!
How crayz is that?
I am sincerelz jealous AND thrilled for the kid.
Ever since Heidi, I've wanted to be in the Alps eating goat cheese, drinking milk from a bowl, and yodeling to goats. Joann, if zou get this while you are still there, please do some or all of these things for me!
Well, I am down to 17 days as a Whittaker.
There is, surprisinglz, a touch of melancholz in that statement.
But, I guess it's not surprising considering how emotional transitions are for me. I love the, but thez make me crz...
Like bridges. I love them, and thez make me emotionallz unstable at the same time. I start gleefullz singing "My knapsack on my back" or just stand and stare into the depths and ponder the wonders of God's beautiful creation from the pinnacle.
well, I must go back to Andz's now.
Tomorrow we get the kezs for our new place and I spend my first night there! For those of zou who don't know, our address is:
Kim and Andz of the Shire
11790 SE Fuller Road
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Love to zou all,
Kimmie (not Kimmz)
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