Monday, May 31, 2004

No Deal in Roseburg

Got a call from Don Couch, who has been in our Roseburg house this past year. It seems the Lord is moving a different direction with them and they may be moving from the Roseburg area, so do not want to buy the house. They will be in the house through the end of June, perhaps a bit more, but we will need to find another buyer. The good part of it all is that the house is worth more now with the work the Couches put into it plus values have increased some in the past year. So it looks like I will have some business to take care of in Roseburg this summer in addition to McMahan's security (June 30 - July 13). We have had three people express interest in buying it since we left, so perhaps one of them will still be interested. Once school is out, guess I go into the real estate business . . . be praying for a good resolution to the situation. God bless - Dad

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